I went back and fixed a couple details on past comics. It’s nothing major that anyone has to worry about; I just colored Marissa’s eyes wrong for a couple pages and didn’t have the correct font for the credits text on one page I had to color a page while suffering from some minor computer issues. I doubt anyone will have noticed, but I just wanted to throw out there was no significance to the changes if someone did.
All right, the automatics scheduler worked fine this time! Now I feel comfortable dumping in comics in the scheduler as I color them, not when it’s time for them to go up. Now to work on the rest of the site…
Note to self: the update scheduling for this WordPress site is kinda wonky and if I want to to update at around midnight, I’m gonna have to set the time it goes up later, despite it saying it’d go up at around midnight, or keep manually updating it myself.
Enjoy having Monday’s comic today though, folks!
[EDIT] Or I can just find where the time zone setting option is and fix that. One day, I will figure out this WordPress thing. Today is not that day, however. New comic’s still staying up, though, because I love you guys.
Fun fact about today’s page (which is page one of chapter one)! A little detail that was lost in shrinking the page down to web size is that the Sailor Moon on her cup changes expressions between panels. You can see it in better detail here (click to make it bigger):
The Cast page and Special pages now have content, and a prologue summary has been added under Story.